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How To Change Systeme IO Vendor’s Picture in Marketplace?

You just publish a product in the Systeme IO marketplace, everything is great but you just noticed that something isn’t quite right. Your vendor avatar was not showing.

vendor profile picture

What happens?

The vendor’s picture shown in the Systeme marketplace basically followed the image used in your Systeme IO Profile. So in order to have your vendor’s picture shown (which is recommended to show that you are a real person, not a fly-by-night snake oil salesman), you need to upload your Systeme IO profile image.

So the question is how do you change the Systeme IO profile picture?

How To Change Systeme IO Profile Picture?

At the moment (Jun 2022), there is no option for users to change the Systeme IO profile image directly within the Systeme IO. By default this is what the Systeme IO profile avatar looks like:

Systeme IO Profile Avatar

In order to change the profile picture, just use to configure it. All you have to do is to go to and register an account. The registration process is very simple and straightforward.

Gravatar account

Click on the Create your Gravatar and fill in a simple form with your email, username, and password, which is pretty self-explanatory.

sign up gravatar
Gravatar sign up form

Once you’ve done registering, head over to the My Profile page.

Upload your profile image (that you wish to be used as your Systeme IO Profile image and vendor’s image). Enter your first and last name.

My Profile

Next, scroll down and you’ll see Profile Links. Click Add URL.

Add URL in Gravatar

For the URL field, enter

For the Descriptions field, enter

Gravatar URL

Click Add Site, and you’re done!

Now if you go back to your Systeme IO back office and refresh it, you will now see your Systeme IO profile picture appear.

systeme io profile picture

If it’s still not showing, go back to Gravatar and ensure that you have entered the URL correctly. Then, refresh the page. (or log in and log out from your Systeme IO account if needed)

Gravatar Add URL Info
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