Like many SAAS solutions, Systeme IO provides you the flexibility to use your own domain name, so that you can keep your branding standard across your marketing campaign. It also looks more professional using your own domain rather than the platform’s default subdomain.
What You Need To Know – The Checklist
First things first before you decide to point your domain to systeme IO, you need to have a plan and understand what you want to achieve.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you have a domain name?
- Is your domain currently in use? (Do you have an existing WordPress blog or website on the domain you plan to point to Systeme IO?)
- Do you want to keep your existing site (eg WordPress or any other platform you may be using?)

Do you have a domain name?
If you do have a domain name yet, head over to a domain registrar such as NameCheap to get one.
Are your domain currently in use?
Do you have sites or blogs currently using the domain name that you plan to point to Systeme IO? or is the domain that you have purchased some time ago but never use. In the latter scenario, you can just point the domain to systeme IO without any concern for existing sites/blogs.
If there is an existing blog or site on the domain, then you have to find out if the site is still needed, let’s move on to address this next.
Do you want to keep your existing WordPress site?
Scenario 1: If the existing site is not something you want to keep. Whether it is just a default template site or the site is no longer relevant or doesn’t have any valuable content that is worth keeping, it is as good as a domain currently not in use, which in this case you can just point the domain straight to Systeme IO.
Scenario 2: If there is an active site on the domain that you want to continue using, you have 3 options:
(a) Migrate your site to Systeme IO. If you bought the annual plan of Starter, Webinar or Unlimited, or the monthly plan of Unlimited; you are entitled to free migration by the Systeme expert team. So yes, everything is taken care of for you. You don’t have to explore and do the migration by trial-by-error. Once the site has been successfully migrated by the Systeme IO team, you can manage your site all from Systeme IO builder and back office.
(b) Maintain your site at your existing platform (eg WordPress or any platform you may be using) and point just the subdomain to Systeme IO. For example, if your domain is, you can point to Systeme IO without buying a new domain. To do so, you first need to add the custom domain in Systeme IO settings and then go to your domain registrar or wherever your domain name is hosted. Just create 2 cname record entries and complete the pointing.
With this option, your existing site at will run as usual, and your subdomain eg can be used for funnels, blogs or anything that you create on Systeme IO.
(c) Buy a new domain. Another alternative is to leave the existing domain untouched and just buy a new domain name.