There are many landing pages and sales funnel builders in the market; why Systeme io?
Systeme io is not just a landing page or sales funnel builder. Systeme io is an all-in-one marketing platform. If you are running any business online, whether a physical/digital product or service, you need a page builder, a way to accept payment, and maybe to send email to all your customers, a membership area, and so on. It doesn’t matter whether you are promoting your products or other people’s products or services; you need to leverage good online tools.
After experiencing different websites, landing pages, and funnel builder tools in the market for the past 10 years, I feel Systeme io is a winner. It scores the highest, and it is the most value for money. The tools, the support, and the speed are no match.
Who Needs Systeme io?
- Online marketers
- entrepreneurs
- Content creators
- Insurance agents
- real estate agents
- affiliate marketers
- product and services owners
- Network marketers
- brick and mortar shops (saloons, hardware shops, locksmiths, etc.)
Or anyone who wishes to build or grow their online business.
10 Reasons Why Systeme io Marketing Platform
Let me elaborate in more detail on why Systeme io is probably the best tool in the market.
1. Systeme io is a Web-Based (SaaS) is a cloud-based web-based software. That means customers don’t need to buy separate hosting, and the platform is accessible from anywhere. No learning Cpanel, Plesk, FTP, SSL, and all technical jargon.
What does it mean for the layman? Anyone can set up funnels, blogs, webpages, email marketing, create online courses, and accomplish more easily without installing and maintaining, which requires technical know-how. All it takes is to log in and start using it. Plain and simple without having to mess with the technical stuff. (and this is also perfect for newbies)
While I am not a total technical dummy, I prefer to use Systeme compared to WordPress ( the platform I still use for my other sites due to the flexibility of plugins). But I fully understand and am ready to deal with the technical issues when it happens, such as plugin clash, site inaccessibility, etc., which I have personally dealt with in the past.
2. Lightning Fast Loading
The software is well-built. Systeme is light and loads almost instantaneously without all the lagging I have experienced with other software such as GrooveFunnels, Builderall, and a few WordPress-based funnel plugins. That makes it fun to work on Systeme, and everything is super smooth and pleasant.
3. Very Affordable and Reasonably Priced
Systeme is an affordable alternative to some other popular marketing automation software. It comes with great prices and includes what competitors offer (plus more), such as Clickfunnels, Kartra, etc. Systeme io pricing starts at just $27, a perfect plan for more average users. If you opt to pay yearly, it costs even cheaper (<$20 per month)
Compared to Kartra Plans, which starts at $99 – $499 per month, and Click Funnels at $97 – $297 per month.
That’s a massive saving considering with you get with Systeme. Would you choose a popular, overpriced software? or would you instead choose a reliable, fast, and trusted software offered at a very affordable price?
If you have a perception that cheap is inadequate, expensive is good, then I bet you have unknowingly overpaid your subscription. You should dive into Systeme’s forever-free plan to see if it is for you. It is not too late to impress. 🙂
4. Give You What Matters
Systeme is straightforward and gives you what you need to start and grow a business. Not a bunch of useless utilities or tools to justify the price tag of expensive software like some competitors did.
Before I started using Systeme, I was a user of different marketing tools and an early adopter and lifetime member of some of the software in the market. So I think my opinion at least carries some weight.
5. Plenty of Great Templates
Templates are essential to get started fast. Instead of creating everything from scratch, templates allow users to start their page instantly and focus on business rather than the technical part. Users can browse and pick the suitable project template (or layout). That also helps the user generate ideas based on the DFY professional templates.
6. User-friendly
Systeme is a simple and easy-to-use system and has a minimal learning curve. Regular users of any online platform will find it easy to adapt. Even the first-timer or newbie who never created a webpage or funnel can accomplish that without difficulty.
The interface of Systeme is easy to understand and navigate, clean and well-organized. you will love the tool intuitiveness design, which means you can find what you need and accomplish your task faster.
7. Free Account
Able to get started for free is important because users can evaluate before committing to a software tool. Some software tools offer a 7-day or 14-day trial without needing any credit card details. That’s great, as I think seven days is good enough to test, measure, and feel how the software performs.
Systeme goes beyond that by offering a lifetime free account. From the marketer standpoint, that helps me reach out to more people with my shared funnels and increases the conversion rates. Making it free to access removes the barrier for people to take action.
8. Knowledge Base and Help Articles
The software is intuitive, and most of the functions are self-explanatory.
Specific tasks may require further guidance. And thanks to the knowledge base, which is pretty comprehensive to answer most of the questions users need. The best thing is the knowledge base is ever-growing with new articles. It explains how to accomplish things in a step-by-step manner.
The knowledge base comes in handy when you need some guiding hands.
9. Quick and Responsive support
As a user, support is essential. When things go south, and you can’t find the answer in the knowledge base, you can always contact the support team to assist. While the knowledge base is beneficial in providing the most common questions that people face, there are times when you need human help.
Well, even for smart users who can figure things out by themselves, it is a huge relief knowing that you have solid support whenever you need it. You never know when you’re going to bump into a giant stone!
Based on my experience, the support is fast and responsive. Most general questions are attended to and answered instantly instead of escalating to a higher level. That indicates the staff is well-trained and knows the platform inside-out. More importantly, they read and understand the customer’s question before answering. There is no cookie-cutter, canned reply.
This is what I call great support.
10. Generous Affiliate Program
Systeme offers generous 50% lifetime commissions! This is unheard of in the Saas Marketing Platform, no kidding!
I believe in using and experiencing the software myself. Yes, it passes my evaluating criteria and gets my seal of approval. Systeme io is a winner because it is a great tool. it is a goldmine that anyone can start or take their business to the next level by leveraging the tools. Secondly, get paid in the process with its generous commissions.
In short, it is like hitting two birds with one stone.
To help my members, I take it a step further by allowing users to leverage my funnels, templates, and other marketing assets that I created to cut short the path for my members to succeed with Systeme.
That explains the reasons why Systeme io is a great choice.
Systeme is the easiest, all-in-one marketing platform that offers you what you need to build and grow your business. No big talk, no pie in the sky. Systeme io is a very practical tool that allows you to build advanced stuff with simplicity.
Regardless of whether you are already in business or plan to start a business. This tool is your swiss army knife to thrive. It beats Clickfunnels, Kartra, and Kajabi out of the water.
Sign up for a free account now but be warned, it can become “addictive” 🙂
Looking to hit two birds with one stone? Check out Systeme io Bonuses.